Mind Blowing! One Of YouTube’s Giants Is Revealing Of His Video Marketing Systems That Generates Over A MILLION views to His YouTube Channel And Over $20,000 Monthly In Verified Passive Income!
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Creators: Chad Nicely, Karthik Ramani & Cyril Gupta
Date Of Launch: 2015-10-19
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Niche: General
Official Site: http://channelauthoritybuilder.com/
Refund: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Support: Effective Response
Bonuses: Yes, Special $3482 Bonuses
Recommended: 100% Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels
Karthik Ramani is a successful internet marketer with many years of experience and several very successful product launches behind him such as Lead Monster, One Links, Social Mini Store, Social Marketing Suite, FB Magic Bar and many more successful digital product launches.
Chad Nicely and Cyril Gupta are well known names in the field of interent marekting who are the mastermind behind Social Directory, One Links, Social Mini Store, Social Marketing Suite, FB Magic Bar, Tuberank Jeet, Penguin Recovery Jeet, Insta Viral and others.
Let Me Share Some MIND BLOWING Facts With You That Are Currently Taking Place Right Now On YouTube!
8.47 MILLION Dollars:
- PewDiePie – This guy plays video games and reacts to them in ultra hilarious fashion. That’s a BIG piece of the pie!
2.26 MILLION Dollars:
- PrankvsPrank- Boyfriend/girlfriend duo and professional leg-pullers that broadcast epic prank battles online.
4.50 MILLION Dollars:
- Smosh – The comedy duo has a created a whole network of YouTube channels, and they have the most subscribed-to channel and they have fun doing it!
1.6 MILLION Dollars:
- Bratayley- Three kids just growing up and living their lives and it’s all shown on YouTube… these kids have it GOOD!
That’s just a SMIDGE of the success stories taking place on YouTube today!There is a new success story made every day.
We hear stories about people making decent money with YouTube.
We’ve seen the all too familiar numbers of views in the thousands and a few hundred dollars earned from AdSense and other networks.
Tell Me If This Sounds All Too Familiar?
- We’ve been told to make sure our videos are ranked in the top of the search engines.
- Run high quality backlinks to all of your videos for extra link juice.
- Make sure the on page optimization is all correct with your title and description.
- Pay for ads on other people’s videos.
- Make sure your thumbnail is attention getting and grabs the viewer.
I’m Sure It’s All Too Familiar To You.
However There Are two Things That You Need
To Understand RIGHT NOW
Easy enough right? Well, not so much. It may sound easy but the overall manual process can be very cumbersome. Take it from somebody who has a team of staff members trained to execute this exact strategy.
Channel Authority Builder Will Execute The Exact Strategy Without All The Manual Work!
This is the first YouTube software that is focused totally on helping marketers build authority or target YouTube’s content discovery mechanisms. Most of the competing products just go after keywords or search.
Channel Authority Builder is a tool which helps people in content planning to create strategic content that is relevant, targets other videos and can get people long term organic traffic, not from search but from YouTube’s content discovery.
This is the strategy you need to unlock 80% of the traffic that you’re not getting targeting only keywords, and to create long-term authority channels.
When you have Channel Authority Builder:
You will be able to unlock 90%+ traffic that they don’t even know how to target.
You will be able to create authority channels that result in more views and greater income opportunity.
Users will be able to go after niches that they think are too big or too competitive for them.
Users will learn to avoid things that don’t have enough ROI. ( We had to learn the hard way).
[+] Keyword Rank Tracker:
- Monitor how your other videos are ranking for keywords on YouTube over time.
[+] Video Stats Monitor:
- Monitor the current video stats of any video on YouTube on a daily basis.
[+] Channel Stats Monitor:
- Monitor the current stats for a channel on a daily basis.
[+] Latest Videos From Monitored Channels:
- Discover what new videos are being produced by the channels that you’re monitoring.
[+] Sidebar Monitor:
- Discover whether you are appearing on a video’s sidebar and the trends there.
[+] Related Channels Finder:
- Quickly find the channels related to a YouTube channel.
[+] Trending Tags Finder:
- Discover what new tags your competitors are targeting.
[+] Popular Videos Finder:
- Discover what new videos from your competitors have actually become popular.
=> Module #1 :
- Building Authority Channels – In this module you’re going to learn to crate video channels that are based on Authority and not just video rankings.
=> Module #2 :
- YouTube Story – This module is going to answer the question that we get asked. Why YouTube? Well when you’re done watching this video, you’re going to understand the MASSIVE potential with YouTube.
=> Module #3:
- What Is Authority – What does Authority mean on YouTube and how is it going to impact your business. This is going to help you build the foundation in your business.
=> Module #4:
- Ways to make money on YouTube – It doesn’t matter what you niche or market is, we all have the same goal and that is to make money with our videos. In the module you’re going to discover all the different ways to make money with your videos.
=> Module #5:
- Search Engines and YouTube – Discover why the search matters to YouTube, but no so much to you. Now that’s something you have probably never heard before, but it’s all going to make sense when you watch this video.
=> Module #6:
- Why is you traffic low – You’re going to find out what you need to have in place so that you no longer worry about low traffic stats. This is going to answer all your traffic problems.
=> Module #7:
- Cultivating the right mindset – In this video were going to take a detailed look into all the elements we need to cultivate to have the right mindset to create Authority Channels on YouTube. Very powerful lesson that will make a difference in your business.
Here’s A Recap Of Everything You’re Going To Receive:
=> You can Monitor keywords rankings for yourself and competition.
=>You can Monitor top videos in the niche for traffic intelligence.
=> Get real time data and steal authority from channels in your niche.
=> Discover the latest created videos in your niche.
=> Monitor suggested videos sidebar and discover videos that You can ride alongside.
=> Find the top channels from your niche 100% automatically.
=> Get topics and tags trending right now in your niche.
=> Find videos from your niche that are gaining popularity fast.
=> And much more.
You can choose from 2 Licenses the License that suits you:
[+] Channel Authority Builder ELITE MONTHLY: $9.95/Month
[+] Channel Authority Builder ELITE LIFETIME: Onetime Payment Of $29.62
- AFFILIATE Marketers
- NETWORK Marketers
- CPA Marketers
- VIDEO Marketers
- Amazon Marketers
- Email Marketers
- FACEBOOK Marketers
- Beginners
- Bloggers
- Product Reviewers
- Online Marketers
- Offline Marketers
Channel Authority Builder Pro has groundbreaking extra features that will take everything you do with our app to the next level…plus turn it into a complete business system with Niche Xploit using which you can generate beautiful reports and sell to your clients to maximize your profit. Even 1 sale will cover your cost many times over.
This one off Upgrade price to Channel Authority Builder Pro Includes Niche Xploit:
[+] Unlimited Developer rights:
- With unlimited developers rights there is no restrictions on the number of channels/ campaigns you can run and monitor. Contact existing channel owners with the insights and offer it as a service.
[+] Dominating Channel Finder:
- Competition is important as they make us strive for our best. Competitions are everywhere. And Identifying your competitors is important. With this feature, you can find which channel is dominating the niche, get an idea of who are you competing with and how dominant they are in the space. Plan your channel’s content wisely and take them head on. If you think you are small, you can seek inspiration from the David vs Goliath story.
[+] Earning Potential Finder:
- You can now see the earning potential of a niche based on our unique algorithm which will let you analyze any niche based on a few inputs.
[+] Money Making Channels finder:
- Apart from identifying the dominating channels you can also find how many channels are making money in the niche plus an approximate revenue earned by those channels.
[+] Upcoming channels:
- This will give you details on how many new channels are being opened in any specific niche. This will help you gauge the competitions that is planning to enter the market. Now you know when is the time to hit the throttle.
[+] Failed Channels:
- Now you can learn from other’s failures. There are times where we are very sure about the success of a concept and despite putting in our best efforts; the concept might be a failure after reaching the reality phase. But with this cool feature you now have a glimpse of the current market condition for any of the niche you are interested in. Be more sure of the horses you are betting on.
[+] Earnings per video:
- This will give you information on how much does one video earn. That is the projection you can base your investment on. Forecasting is important in any business initiative and it cant get better than this.
[+] No of Required Videos:
- Many people quit on posting one or two videos because they do not have the count of the optimum number of videos require to make it work. One cant expect results as soon as an effort is made. This feature will give you an idea of when you can start expecting results. No more shooting in the dark.
[+] Time between posting two videos:
- Timing is important. You post too many videos, the subscribers are gonna get annoyed. Post too few, they forget. Now, the system will let you know the optimum time to post the videos.
- Not only you get these amazing extra features in your Channel Authority Builder Pro Version account you also get to sell this report with your own branding to any channel owners.
- Sell them on your other services such as consultancy or web development. To develop an algorithm like Channel Authority Builder, it would cost you over $10000 and easily take 6+ months to build. With the Professional Version of Channel Authority Builder & Niche Xploit you skip that time and financial overhead for a single, low, one-time fee and also use it for your own channels.
You can choose from 2 packages the package that suits you:
[+] Sell Channel Authority Builder Using Our Funnel: Onetime Payment Of $67
[+] Rebrand Channel Authority Builder & Keep 100% Profits: Onetime Payment Of $297
Q1: How much money can I make reselling Channel Authority Builder?
- Answer: You get to keep 100% of the main offer reselling Channel Authority Builder. On the other products in the funnel you get 50%.
- Answer: No – you cannot brand Channel Authority Builder as your own, and you will be able to sell at the price we optimize for post-launch
- Answer:No – we host them – you can drive traffic to these pages and generate 100% commissions for the main offer, 50% for the upgrades!
Q1: Can I rebrand Channel Authority Builder as my own?
- Answer: Yes – we encourage you to do that. You can put your own logo, your own training and your own support link and sell Channel Authority Builder as your own.
- Answer:At any point of time the price should be equal to, or higher than the price we are selling it for at http://channelauthoritybuilder.in. You can’t sell it at a price lower than that.
- Answer: You have to prepare your own sales material like sales pages, sales videos, etc. You can use your own content and sales pages as a model and create your sales pages and content on the basis of that. In the very least you have to change the name of the software in the content you prepare.
- Answer: As many as you want – there is no limit. You are not allowed to launch this on JVzoo or Clickbank or any other marketplace. However, you are allowed to run FB ads or drive email traffic to your sales pages
- Answer: No you can’t give it away or offer it as a bonus – you only have rights to sell it. You can’t offer a discount which takes it below our selling price either.
- Answer: No, you’re not allowed to sell it using affiliates, or to launch it as a product either as front-end or as an OTO. You can only sell it yourself.
- Answer: No absolutely not. To be eligible to hold a white label license you should be a current user of the basic version and pro version only after purchasing that you are eligible to purchase the white label offer.
With YouTube, as long as you play your cards right, sky is the limit.
Most of us do not get it right.
As a matter of fact, the right method is not targeting keywords, rankings or backlinks. That’s not what YouTube is all about.
YouTube is about Authority and capitalizing on the right traffic source. And the question arises
So what is the right traffic source that can get you up to a million views?
Well, Channel Authority Builder is a unique software and training which will give you everything you need to create authority channels.
The course covers Cyril’s exclusive methods, telling you what you need to do to get YouTube to send you thetraffic, and the software has the features which gets the tasks done in minutes.
If you have to do it manually, you need hours.
The software features include:
– Monitor keywords rankings for yourself and competition
– Monitor top videos in the niche for traffic intelligence
– Get realtime data and steal authority from channels in your niche.
– Discover the latest created videos in your niche.
– Monitor suggested videos sidebar and discover videos that you can ride alongside.
– Find the top channels from your niche 100% automatically.
– Get topics and tags trending right now in your niche.
– Find videos from your niche that are gaining popularity fast.
About the training:
– Comprehensive training with 15 videos covering everything
you need to build authority channels.
– Learn the traffic secrets that get you massive viewership on YouTube.
– Learn how to pilfer traffic from other videos on YouTube.
Frankly, there’s no reason to struggle with YouTube marketing anymore. This can be the gamechanger for you.
=>=>Here Are All Bonuses<=<=
1- Clear Your cookies in your Web Browser
2- Get Your Copy Now of Channel Authority Builder Through This Special Bonus Link
3- Verify you see 214267 at the bottom of the checkout page
4- After completing your order , send [Your name, JVZoo receipt id and date of purchase] in message to my FB Account at: https://www.facebook.com/JohnnZakaria or Send message to Johnmason188@gmail.com
5- You will receive all theses bonuses within 24 hours.
See What People Are Saying About Channel Authority Builder :
==> Popular Videos Finder<==
==> Channel Authority Builder is the first YouTube software that is focused totally on helping marketers build authority or target YouTube’s content discovery mechanisms.Most of the competing products just go after keywords or search <==
==> See The Power Of Channel Authority Builder <==
==> Trending Tags Finder <==
Discover what new tags your competitors are targeting.
==> Related Channels Finder Feature <==
Quickly find the channels related to a YouTube channel
==> Sidebar Monitor Feature <==
Discover whether you are appearing on a video’s sidebar and the trends there
==> Latest Videos From Monitored Channels Feature <==
Discover what new videos are being produced by the channels that you’re monitoring
==> Channel Stats Monitor Feature <==
Monitor the current stats for a channel on a daily basis
==> Video Stats Monitor Feature <==
Monitor the current video stats of any video on YouTube on a daily basis
==> Keyword Rank Tracker Feature <==
Monitor how your other videos are ranking for keywords on YouTube over time
==> Channel Authority Builder Walkthrough Demo <==
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