VydeoGram Review & Best Bonus & Discount – Rapidly Increase Video Views, Drive More Traffic, Leads & Sales

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VydeoGram Review

VydeoGram Overview:

Creator: Andrew Darius
Date Of Launch: 2015-10-05
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Niche: General
Price: $17/Year – $37 Onetime Payment
Refund: 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Support: Effective Response
Official site: http://sales.socialvideospark.com/
Bonuses: Yes, Special $4682 Bonuses
Recommended: 100% Recommended
Skill Level Needed: All Levels

Who Is The Creator Of VydeoGram?

The Creator Of VydeoGram

Andrew Darius is the man behind VydeoGram. Andrew has many years of experience helping businesses both small and large with video marketing, video production and other cutting edge business technologies.
He even consulted with a Fortune 100 company as the expert in his field.

He is the entrepreneur, who founded or co-founded 5 start ups. Lately he spent significant amount of his time in NYC, leading a team building a marketing platform for off-line businesses to help them get both online and off-line leads using mobile and online technologies.

What Is The Main Idea Behind VydeoGram?

The Power Of Video Marketing:

We can safely say that video marketing is THE single best way to a passive income for years to come:

  • Every day people are searching for solutions to their problems on Google or YouTube and desperately click on whatever presents them with that “quick fix”.
  • Even Facebook and Twitter are opening up their video channels to maximize the potential in this market.
  • Every day, millions of people watch how to videos and buy a product through a link that video directs to.
  • Every time that happens, you get a commission.It’s a virtual goldmine and it’s getting better with every click.And that’s because video converts 80% better than just plain boring text.
  • That means for the same traffic, you get 80% more people to click on ads, opt-in to your list, buy affiliate products.

Are You Struggling to leverage the power of video marketing?

  • Video Marketers from businesses both small and large all want to leverage the power of social networks to have their video be seen and engaged with by a massive number of people on the daily basis.
    However marketers have already noticed that now is harder than ever to get people to click through to watch the video.
  • The reason for that is the distrust in the video content, caused by majority of popular video publishers picking up thumbnails that are misleading.
  • The growing viewers’ frustration results in rapidly diminishing number of clicks through rates to watch the video.
  • It is worth to notice that recent studies have found that one of the main reasons why people don’t click to watch video is lack of upfront knowledge about the content of the video they are about to watch.
  • The same study has found out that creating visually engaging video grams that provide more context, instantly increase number views, viewer’s engagements, and viewer’s action rate.
  • However, while the study findings were known for some time, only large corporations with their deep pockets could afford to build internal solutions to leverage the power of video gram.


If you can get access to a powerful tool that will make a social video marketer’s life easier, help generate more leads, sales and save time.

Here comes VydeoGram…

VydeoGram is the simplest yet most powerful video marketer’s tool on the planet to avoid content distrust, and convert casual social media wanderers into engaged viewers, in order to drive traffic, generate leads, build subscriber’s list, and make more sales.

So, What Is VydeoGram?

The VydeoGram software allows to create large number of different looking video grams from the very same video.
That allows for large increase of video views, keeps video grams catchy in timelines, and increases sharing.
VydeoGram technology also converts wanderers on social networks without video support, like Pinterest, and Tumblr to video viewers and action takers.

Video grams can drive viewers traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, and most of other web sites.

=> See The Power Of VydeoGram <=

How Does VydeoGram Work?

==> VydeoGram Full Demo Video <==

Here’s Why VydeoGram is the #1 video scan technology:

[+] Struggling to convince more people to click through to watch your video?

  • Because of majority of popular video publishers are picking up thumbnails that are misleading click through rates to watch the videos are all time low.
  • This so-called “view bait” trend became so big, that now it leaves majority of viewers frustrated after they invested time in watching the video, which they thought had different content.
  • Visually engaging vydeo grams produced by the software drastically reduce viewer hesitation, which results is significant increase of click through rates.

[+] Boost viewer engagement with content glimpse:

  • By showing upfront glimpse into content you invite only viewers which are interested in the content you have.
  • It is best kind of the viewers to show your video to.
  • Those viewers come in prepared to spend time on video and they pay attention.
  • It allows you to convince those viewers to take action, such as subscribe to list or buy, way more easier that when you have random unprepared viewers.

[+] Drives massive number of viewers from Suggested Videos on Youtube & Facebook, and boost Youtube & Google search rank for the videos:

  • You need to have strong video authority on YouTube and Facebook to show often in Suggested Videos, and have high search ranking on YouTube and Google.
  • Video authority is the way to show to Facebook, Youtube and Google that your video is important. There only way to build that authority is when majority of people really watch your video through, and it is liked by most viewers.
  • From our research we found out that viral videos on Youtube have around 90% likes to 10% dislikes ratio so it is the target to shoot for.
  • The last thing you need on Youtube is an angry viewer who was caught to waste time on irrelevant video with “view bait” and leaves “dislike” on exit.
  • On Facebook those angry viewers quit viewing fast, and sometimes report videos as spam.
  • Since VydeoGram drives viewers interested in your content your chance to get “like” is many folds higher than from a random or a “view bait” viewer.
  • Since VydeoGram helps you generate both high video watch through and high “like”/”dislike” ratio, it makes your video gain stronger authority.

[+] Grabs viewers from non video social media and other website:

  • VydeoGram also drives video viewer traffic from non-video social media and other websites.
  • It is critically important to realize that video viewers are everywhere and that there is massive number of people on image only social media websites like Pinterest and Thumbr.
  • Those websites do not have videos to watch but they do have animated images support.
  • Currently those websites are full of mostly ignored “view bait” static images.
  • VideoGram animated images enables you to grab attention of casual wanderers from those social media website, with visually appealing, hesitation eliminating, upfront video content glimpse.

[+] Makes your animated images stay fresh and catchy in timeline:

  • Making good video content does take time and it is hard to make significant number of good videos.
  • At the same time people get easily bored and they stop responding to the same image animation over time.
  • It means that you always need to have something fresh for people.
  • With VydeoGram you do not need to have big number of videos to stay catchy in people’s timelines.
  • You can create hundreds of different looking VydeoGram from the very same video, and always have fresh vydeogram to share.

[+] Create converting VydeoGram ads for Instagram:

  • Instagram ads are now available globally for all businesses – big and small.
  • With a community of more than 400M, Instagram is one of the world’s largest ads platforms.
  • Now businesses can share their stories with a highly engaged audience in a creative, high-quality environment.
  •  There is no better way to share the story than with VydeoGram showing the animated glimpse and a story progression on 4 extra cuts.
  •  With VydeoGram pro you can create video VydeoGrams which can be used to make supper converting Instagram ads.

[+] Create high click through Facebook ads:

  • Facebook ads can drive amazing and profitable online sales, and generate leads but the key is to grab attention.
  •  But to get maximum clickthrough rates you need something amazing people are not used to every day.
  •  VydeoGram pro allows you to make video VydeoGram and use that as video ads on Facebook.
  •  VydeoGram is a perfect “channel surf stopper” because it is catchy and completely new.

[+] Go Viral with amazing animated internet meme with story progress shots:

  • Go Viral with amazing animated internet meme with story progress shots.
  •  Marketers are using internet memes for Viral Marketing and Guerrilla Marketing to create marketing “buzz”.
  •  VydeoGram takes memes to the next level not only by showing a meme as an animation but also as a story progres with extra 4 shots.
  •  This why vydeograms have way stronger viral and sharing drive.

Sample VydeoGrams:

  • The creators created sample 30 vydeos grams for that video. You can create hundreds or even thousands different looking vydeo grams from same video.

Who is VydeoGram Aimed At?

  • AFFILIATE Marketers
  • NETWORK Marketers
  • CPA Marketers
  • VIDEO Marketers
  • Amazon Marketers
  • Email Marketers
  • FACEBOOK Marketers
  • Beginners
  • Bloggers
  • Product Reviewers
  • Online Marketers
  • Offline Marketers

VydeoGram Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Will I download the software onto my computer or will it be solely available online?

  • This is NOT an Internet-based software. You will download it onto your computer where it will be yours to use when you like. Since the software will be on your computer you won’t have to worry about slow Internet response times.

Q2: Can I install VydeoGram on more than one computer?

  • Your license will allow you to install the program on two computers. Larger licenses are available for businesses and agencies.

Q3: What is the system requirements to run VydeoGram?

  • This software runs on any Windows or Mac computer produced in the past five years as long as it has minimum of 4GB ram memory and sufficient storage space.

Q4: Do you have money back guarantee?

  • Yes, we do have 30-day no-question-asked money back guarantee. Just drop us a note and we will refund your purchase in full.

See What Marketers Are Saying About VydeoGram:

VydeoGram Testimonials


VydeoGram Pricing:

You can choose from 2 Plans the plan that suits you:

[+] Monthly Plan: $17/Year

[+] Lifetime Plan: Onetime Payment Of $37

==> Special VydeoGram Fast Action Bonus <==

FAB: VydeoGram Website Maker WP plugin:

  • VydeoGram website maker WP plugin will enable you to Embed a responsive video, YouTube channel gallery, or playlist gallery. Add video thumbnails, analytics, SEO, caching..

VydeoGram OTO’S/Upsells

OTO#1: VydeoGram PRO upgrade

You can choose from 2 Plans:

[+] Monthly Plan: $47/Year

[+] Lifetime Plan: Onetime Payment Of $67

Here’s What Exactly You Will Get With this upgrade:

[1] Play button with “Pulsating Button” option:

  • The ultimate action you want user to take is to watch a videoso people must immediately know that.
  • Play button makes it instantly clear that it is actually video preview and they can watch.
  • To make Play buttons instantly stand out in busy timelines we added “Pulsating Button” option which, when enabled, makes the Play button pulse to make sure viewer does not miss it.
  • The growing viewers’ frustration results in rapidly diminishing number of clicks through rates to watch the video.

[2] Call To Action image with “Pulsating CTA” option:

  • Play button makes the purpose of VideoGram immediately clear to the users and it might be enough when a vydeogram is shown in clean environment like Facebook timeline.
  • However on image heavy timeline like Tumblr, there might be many animated images at the same time on the screen, so Play button needs reinforcement there.
  • That reinforcement is Call To Action image, which sole purpose is to grab user’s attention and make them click.
  • Examples of such CTA image include pulsating big arrow pointing on play button or anything else which focus user action on click.

[3] Text Overlay:

Text added to VydeoGram makes it much more powerful and allows it to serve many purposes:

  • Can convince people share with clear “share it” cta.
  • Can boost click rate even further with video content title and subtitle.
  • Can serve as viral sharing reason with funny meme.
  • Can be used for any other message.

[4] Semi-transparent color tint filter:

  • This allows to apply instagram like color tint filter which makes VydeoGram look even cooler.
  • It is a very good technique to use for videograms from videos with very little action, like with spokes person talking to camera.
  • Semi-transparent color overlay also allows to make text more exposed which is beneficial when text cary strong message.

[5] Different VydeoGram sizes and layouts:

  • While the default VydeoGram dimension is good for majority of sharing purposed, more sizes and layouts allow you to cover the formats which either better match timeline proportions for particular social network, or are required by advertising networks to take your VydeoGram ad.
  • Ability to use different sizes also allows you to tap into to the newest little-known Facebook mobile “Ads Canvas” feature which we call “Instant Ads”. Instant Ads can sport animation and videos.
  • Historically these data-heavy ads were not usable on mobile due to user closing the ad before it downloaded. With new Instant Ads Facebook pre-cache them so they appear to mobile user instantly.
  • There is hardly better way to engage mobile user than VydeoGram leading to instant video play.

[6] VydeoGram mp4 video export:

  • VydeoGram animated image is very powerful tool to convert social media wanderers into viewers, but the animated image format cannot convince viewer to unmute autoplayed in timeline video.
  • For this purpose you need to have VydeoGram video.
  • In PRO version you can export VydeoGram either as stand alone mp4 intro or add it directly to the main content video.
  • We also added cool countdown option which, if you enable it, grab viewers attention counting down to actual video content.

[7] YouTube download and upload:

  • PRO version also allows you to search youtube for CC BY licences videos, download any video from youtube, make a videogram from a youtube video, add a videogram video intro into youtube video, upload a video back to youtube, and then share a videogram with link to youtube video across ten social network and your blogs.

[8] Ten Social Networks, WordPress, and Blogger sharing:

  • Social media networks are exploding with content and over 80% of that content are images.
  •  With animated, cool and catchy videograms you can stand out, get ton of traffic to your videos, and have a good chance to have your videograms go viral.
  • PRO version helps you to bring viewers traffic from ten social media networks & blogs like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Stumbleupon, Flickr, Imgur, Mobypicture, ImageShack, WordPress, Blogger, with instant sharing to those networks and blogs right from inside the software.

[9] 500 call to action, and 50 designer style play button images:

  • In order to help you instantly use amazing call to action and custom play button PRO features, we included 500 converting call to action images and 50 designer style play buttons, allowing you to instantly bring your click through rate to all time high immediately after you get upgrade.

[10] Commercial License:

  • Standard version allows you to make VydeoGrams for your own business.
  • Commercial license grants you the right to use VydeoGram PRO for your clients projects.
  • You can charge clients monthly free & build yourself recurring income!

[11] Create converting VydeoGram ads for Instagram:

  • Instagram ads just went live! Many marketers have waited for it to happen for years, and now it is finally here.
  • Instagram ads are now available globally for all businesses – big and small.
  • With a community of more than 400M, Instagram is one of the world’s largest ads platforms.
  • Now businesses can share their stories with a highly engaged audience in a creative, high-quality environment.
  • There is no better way to share the story than with VydeoGram showing the animated glimpse and a story progression on 4 extra cuts.
    With VydeoGram pro you can create video VydeoGrams which can be used to make supper converting Instagram ads.

[12] Create high click through Facebook ads:

  • Facebook ads can drive amazing and profitable online sales, and generate leads but the key is to grab attention.
  • But to get maximum clickthrough rates you need something amazing people are not used to every day.
  • VydeoGram pro allows you to make video VydeoGram and use that as video ads on Facebook.
  • VydeoGram is a perfect “channel surf stopper” because it is catchy and completely new.

[13] Go Viral with amazing animated internet meme with story progress shots:

  • Marketers are using internet memes for Viral Marketing and Guerrilla Marketing to create marketing “buzz”.
  • VydeoGram takes memes to the next level not only by showing a meme as an animation but also as a story progres with extra 4 shots.
  • This why vydeograms have way stronger viral and sharing drive.

OTO#2: VydeoGram White Label License

You can choose from 3 Packages the package that suits you:

[+] Sell 20 Licenses: Onetime Payment Of $97

[+] Sell 50 Licenses: Onetime Payment Of $147

[+] Sell 200 Licenses: Onetime Payment Of $197

With VydeoGram White Label License You Get:

[+] Your own White Label Portal to issue licenses, edit, and delete accounts:

  • Manage your clients through your own white label dashboard – you can do it all from one place and keep track of how many clients you have signed up.

[+] Our High-Converting Sales Materials:

  • You’re are going to get access to our sales page in html format to customize and make your own. We have paid over $500 dollars to have it designed.
  • You’ll also get our sales video script so you can have somebody on fiverr record it with your own brand name.
  • You’re getting all of the marketing materials that we use to sell VydeoGram from email swipes through our banner ads that you can use to advertise VydeoGram under white label brand on Facebook and anywhere else.
  • You could sell a standard license for $47 making money from each and every sale. If you sell 200 licenses at $47 you would make $9,400 from $197 one investment.
  • You can even have affiliates on JVzoo or Clickbank promoting your white label version.

[+] Whitelabel descriptive app name:

  • Whilelabel app is named with descriptive Video Gram Creator name.
  • There is no mention of VydeoGram brand name anywhere in the app so you can sell it as your own and keep all the money.

[+] Mega Bonus VIP White Label Video Training:

  • The creators will walk you through exactly how to set up your VydeoGram White Label account & everything else you need to know so you can start making money with it from Day #1.

VydeoGram Review Conclusion:

Lastly, why I strongly recommend you to get your Copy of VydeoGram?

The VydeoGram is, the fusion of proprietary highly advanced video scan technology, revolutionary smart key-frame selection algorithm, and matrix randomization engine.

Visually engaging video grams produced by the software drastically reduce viewer hesitation, which results is significant increase of number of clicks through, traffic, and call to action engagement.

There are lots of Video tools out there, but nothing comes close to VydeoGram’s unique features including:

=> The ONLY software which gives user upfront knowledge about the content of the video they are about to watch boosting clicks to video and views by large margin.

=> Skyrockets YouTube/Google video quality score to boost both suggested videos appearance rate, and SEO rating.

=> Delivers quality viewers whose interest match the video content, which converts to increased number of action takers. It means more traffic, more leads, and more sales.

Check My Last Reviews:

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VydeoGram Bonus

==>VydeoGram Special BONUS LINK<==


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4- You will receive all theses bonuses within 24 hours.

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VydeoGram OTO

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How to Claim My VydeoGram Bonuses?

1- Clear Your cookies in your Web Browser
2- Get Your Copy Now of VydeoGram Through This Special Bonus Link
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4- After completing your order , send [Your name, JVZoo receipt id and date of purchase] in message to my FB Account at: https://www.facebook.com/JohnnZakaria or Send message to Johnmason188@gmail.com
5- You will receive all theses bonuses within 24 hours.

2 thoughts on “VydeoGram Review & Best Bonus & Discount – Rapidly Increase Video Views, Drive More Traffic, Leads & Sales”

  1. VydeoGram Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1: Will I download the software onto my computer or will it be solely available online?

    • This is NOT an Internet-based software. You will download it onto your computer where it will be yours to use when you like. Since the software will be on your computer you won’t have to worry about slow Internet response times.

    Q2: Can I install VydeoGram on more than one computer?

    • Your license will allow you to install the program on two computers. Larger licenses are available for businesses and agencies.

    Q3: What is the system requirements to run VydeoGram?

    • This software runs on any Windows or Mac computer produced in the past five years as long as it has minimum of 4GB ram memory and sufficient storage space.

    Q4: Do you have money back guarantee?

    • Yes, we do have 30-day no-question-asked money back guarantee. Just drop us a note and we will refund your purchase in full.

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